去過清邁(ChiangMai)的人應該都知道,每個週日晚上在塔佩門(Tha Pae Gate)旁有個超級無敵大的假日市集(Sunday Market),逛都逛不完!  

在清萊(ChiangRai) ,每個週六晚上在他那萊路(Thanalai Rd.)上也有個夜市,其規模媲美清邁假日市集,但來逛夜市的大份都是當地人,觀光客較少,是一個非常在地化的夜市。  




即將開始營業的週六夜市, 已經開始封路了.

跟上一張照片比起來, 入夜後感覺和白天完全不同.


夜市主要是沿著他那萊路(清萊市區有中文路標, 應該不會跑錯地方)



一群人坐在地上玩遊戲, 圍觀的人還不少.

這不是蟑螂啦!是人工飼養的蟋蟀, 用黃玉米當飼料.

油炸蟋蟀, 只要10銖, 吃起來就像蝦味先.



夜市美食區的攤販, 泰式炒麵(Pad Thai)只要10銖, 清邁假日市集賣20銖喔!

美食區的座位, 長條型的竹製桌子, 搭配塑膠椅, 可以邊吃邊欣賞表演.

在泰國如果不知道要吃什麼, 認這著個牌子(戴帽子的小廚師)就對了, 保證好吃.







One-Stop Shopping for Traditional Northern Thai Crafts and Village Products

Along Thanalai Road  

Every Saturday (from 17.30 onwards)

November 2008 – September 2009 

With the return of the cool season, the Thanalai Road Walking Street and night market in

the northern city of Chiang Rai offers convenient one-stop shopping for the very best of

traditional Northern Thai village products and crafts from each of the sub-districts or

tambon promoted under the ‘One Tambon One Product’ or OTOP theme. These include

products from The Royal Projects and the 32 tribal communities in Chiang Rai.

Designed to promote a renewed interest in the Lanna Thai cultural heritage and promote

its preservation, the Walking Street is in itself a delightful cultural showcase portraying

the various enchanting aspects of Lanna Thai art and culture and centuries of Lanna folk

wisdom. It also reflects the tradition of artistic refinement for which Lanna Thai artisans

are known. A stroll along the Thanalai Road Walking Street will take you back in time.

Experience customs and traditions and the way of life as it existed in the Lanna Thai

kingdom in times past.

Lan-Na – ‘ Land of Million Rice Fields’

Lanna’ means ‘a million rice fields’, reflecting the agricultural bounty of the area. In its

golden age in the 15th and 16th centuries, the ancient Lanna Thai Kingdom extended

from Laos to what is now the Shan States of Myanmar ( Burma ) and included the

provinces of Chiang Mai, Lampang, Lamphun, Chiang Rai, Phayao, Nan and Phrae.

The Thanalai Road Walking Street is divided into 3 distinct zones. 

Zone 1: ‘OTOP’ Community consisting of some 700 participating booths

From the Omsin intersection to the Provincial Court (Saan Changwat) intersection

Shop for an impressive range of three-star to five-star village products from each

of the sub-districts or tambon promoted under the ‘One Tambon One Product’ or

OTOP theme, including products from The Royal Projects. Browse around for

irresistible buys. Stalls offering a selection of ethnic hill-tribe crafts, gift items and

other memorabilia from other T'ai tribal communities of Chiang Rai are also

located in Zone 1. 

Zone 2: Lanna Crafts and Lanna Folk Wisdom

From the Provincial Court Intersection to the ‘Tung’ ceremonial flag and lantern

garden (Suan Tung Khome)

Lanna Thai artisans are masters of their craft. The Chiang Rai Walking Street

provides a perfect stage to showcase this artistic excellence. Works of art,

including literary works, sculpture, music and other art forms will be represented

in this zone. Some 300 booths will be offering a vast variety of handcrafted

products and gift items. In addition, rarely-seen cultural presentations and live

demonstrations staged in the area in front of the Suan Tung-Suan Khome Garden

will depict various aspects of Northern Thai folk wisdom such as the Lanna

apothecary, traditional folk dances and the Sabatchai victory drum. Intrigued by

the art of traditional Thai massage and centuries-old herbal remedies? Head to the

area to the west of the Suan Tung ceremonial flag garden. Booths offering spa

products and services can also be found in this area. 

Zone 3: Exhibitions by state and private sector organizations and More


From the Suan Tung Suan Khome Intersection to the Office of the Tobacco

Monopoly intersection

In addition to exhibitions presented by state and private sector organizations,

stalls in Zone 3 offer Lanna-style accessories and decorative items, and more

opportunities to shop for best buys and great bargains. 

Kaad Mua Krua Lang (a traditional Northern-style open-air night market)

and Food Street

Basketball Court and the road adjacent to Suan Tung-Suan Khome Garden

Savour a dazzling range of popular Northern Thai delicacies as well as a selection

of authentic Lanna Thai dishes. 

Contact information:

Tourism Authority of Thailand , Chiang Mai Office

Areas of responsibility: Chiang Mai, Lampang, Lamphun

Tel: +66 (0) 5324 8604, (0) 5324 8607

Fax: +66 (0) 5324 8605

E-mail: tatchmai@tat.or.th

Web site : www.tatchiangmai.org



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